Let Us Help You Reach Your Goal !

The job search can be exhausting, that is where ARSH comes into the picture. We help you find the right job instantly from our large client base. Here are some tips for you.

Finding the right job can be a daunting task, It does require a substantial time investment. However, remember that it does not happen all at once. If you sit down and map out a rough plan of attack, breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones, it is a lot more manageable than you think. And if the payoff is a happier, more successful career, it’s worth it.

Start your job search by thinking about the aspects of a role that will appeal to you – be it flexible working hours, professional development, or more challenging projects.

Next important thing is to think about your strengths and weaknesses, we’re all much better at pinpointing our weaknesses. We know what we’re not good at doing or what we don’t like doing. We can work on our weaknesses only when we know about them.

Now, put together an action plan, a written document that lays out all the steps you will have to take to reach your goals. Think of it as a roadmap that will take you from point A to B, and then to C and D.

Write down all your short- and long-term goals and the steps you will have to take to reach each one. Include any anticipated barriers that could get in the way of achieving your goals and the ways you can overcome them.

Finally, after doing all your research, you are probably ready to make your choice.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The impression you give a potential employer via your resume or an interview is usually your only opportunity to communicate that you're the right person for the job - so make it count.

Over the years, we’ve learned a lot about how to get people the jobs of their dreams. Here at ARSH , we try to provide guidance during career transitions to help you present your best self. We start with resume-writing suggestions, but also include interview tips and advice on counteroffers.

Of course, all the stand-by interview tips still apply. Dress well, be on time, have questions for them, and follow up with a thank you note! While there's no magic spell to guarantee a job offer, bridging the gap between you on paper and you in person can bring you closer to your goal.

Know the company/job: People are always told to research the company before the interview and it's absolutely true. It goes beyond reading their web content, though. Why do you want to work there? How will you fit into the organization and how does this particular position fit what you're promising in your resume? Be prepared to bring them back to the resume and to reiterate your accomplishments, as well as to demonstrate how those will be true when you're hired to work for them. They invited you in because your resume attracted them, so make sure that you remind them why!

In the sections below on this page, you’ll find some of our best job search tools and interview tips. We are confident that from them you will gain practical knowledge and a more complete understanding of how to prepare yourself to make that strong first, second, and third impression when it really counts.

If you have questions about any aspect of these job hunting strategies and interview tips, ask us !

Practice and Prepare

Strong answers are those that are specific but concise, drawing on concrete examples that highlight your skills and back up your resume. Your answers should also emphasize the skills that are most important to the employer and relevant to the position. Be sure to review the job listing, make a list of the requirements, and match them to your experience.

While it’s important to familiarize yourself with the best answers, it’s equally important to listen carefully during your interview in order to ensure your responses give the interviewer the information they are looking for.

Also, have a list of your own questions to ask the employer ready.

Develop a Connection With the Interviewer

In addition to indicating what you know about the company, you should also try to develop a connection with your interviewer. Know the interviewer's name, and use it during the job interview. (If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. And, listen very carefully during introductions.

Be on Time (That Means Early)

Be on time for the interview. On-time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, drive to the interview location ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there. Give yourself a few extra minutes to visit the restroom, check your outfit, and calm your nerves.

Follow-Up After the Interview

Always follow up with a thank-you note reiterating your interest in the position. You can also include any details you may have forgotten to mention during your interview. If you interview with multiple people from the same company, send each one a personal note. Send your thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview.

The more you know about the style of the interview, the better you can prepare. We are listing a few popular kind of interviews here :

The Face-to-Face Interview

A one-on-one interview is the most common and widely used type of interview. Under this approach, single interviewer interviews single candidates and these interviews are held in series. In such an interview, general or technical types of questions (depending upon the nature of the job) are raised by the interviewer with a single motive, i.e. to check whether or not the candidate is fit for the post.

The Telephonic/VideoCall Interview

Generally, the telephone/Video call interview is a pre-screening interview in which the interviewer analyzes the candidate through a phone call. Such calls can be made on a short notice also. A Telephonic interview is not a reliable way of the interview because the interviewer is unaware of the person on the other side.

The Panel Interview

A panel interview is a type of interview which is conducted between the single candidate and a panel of interviewers. A panel of interviewers may include 2 or more experts from the specific field. In such an interview, questions are raised by every member of the panel in order and the interviewee is asked to answer them.

This approach is considered more scientific and advanced than a one-on-one interview because appropriate questions and sound judgment can be expected from the interviewer’s panel, which results in the accurate selection of an employee.

The Lunch / Dinner Interview

Interviews which are conducted at restaurants or cafes are known as lunch interview. In such interview, the interviewer can easily evaluate interpersonal skills and communication skills, along with table manners of an interviewee. It is obvious that such interview includes food or drinks. So an interviewee must make an order carefully so that he/she can easily focus on food and questions at the same time.

Here comes the tricky part!!!! Yes Salary negotiation is pretty tricky Good news, you’re not alone: very few people enjoy negotiating salary. The trouble is, failing to ask for what you deserve, especially at the offer stage. Of course, knowing that negotiation is OK and feeling comfortable doing it are two very different things. So how can you get comfy talking about money with hiring managers? The same way you get to Carnegie Hall — practice, practice, practice. Beyond that, it pays to have a few tricks up your sleeve.